Strength on the Road

This places you in an environment that you may be unfamiliar with; unsure where to start and what will be the best use of your time. The following gives you some guidelines to follow if you’re in a hotel gym on vacation or on a business trip.

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Brendan Aylwardknowledge
January in Review

While outside the gym there isn't as much going on in terms of races, events, and major competition, inside, our community continues to grow steadily. I’ve been impressed by the dedication put forth by our members training through the cold Winter months.

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Brendan Aylwardspotlight
Rethinking Core Training

Core work should train the "anti's". What exactly does this mean? You have exercises geared towards preventing rotation of the spine (anti-rotation), exercises aimed to prevent arching of the lower back (anti-extension), and exercises that challenge your ability to prevent bending (anti-lateral flexion).

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Brendan Aylwardknowledge